My Oslo Experience

48 Hours – Introduction


I’ve never written a blog before so please bear with me with the first few blog posts. (:

I leave in a little less than 48 hours and today is my last day in Grand Forks until December. Tomorrow we’re driving to Minneapolis to stay at my aunt and uncle’s house and my flight leaves Thursday afternoon from Minneapolis.  I can’t believe it’s almost time to hop aboard the plane and start this adventure. I am honestly not really nervous at all… I’ve almost been finding it weird that I have no nerves as I am about to leave the town I’ve called home for these past 19 years and live in a country I’ve never been to before, where I know no one. I have come to the conclusion that it really means I am ready to do this.

I’ve spent the past week or so organizing and getting things ready to pack. Finally last night after about 4 or 5 times of repacking and organizing my suitcases I got almost all of my stuff together. I hate packing all together – whether it’s just for overnight or a week long vacation I hate it. So packing for 5 months was a challenge. I am someone who almost always over packs and I need to have a lot of choices when it comes to what clothes I am going to wear. Before I started packing I looked at lists online of what other people suggests bringing for studying abroad. I can tell you a lot of them said like only a few pairs of jeans, a pair of dress pants, and like shirts to last about a week. I can tell you that for sure there is no way I could live with that few of clothes. (; I really just suggest pack what you are comfortable with and what you think you will be able to manage carry/wheel throughout the airport and when you arrive if you have to take public transit to get to your dorm or host family’s house. I’m checking two suitcases and carrying on a backpack.

The only packing I have left to do is organize what I am going to take with me on the plane in my carrying on. So far I have my laptop, headphones, ipod, camera, 2 books, a set of clothes, and all my paperwork.

If you want to learn a little bit more about me take a look at my about me page titled ‘behind My Oslo Experience’. (link is on the top menu bar)

I can’t wait to take you on my journey and share  stories, pictures and videos with you throughout my entire study abroad.

