My Oslo Experience

I’ve Arrived! Pt. 2


——– continued from pervious post ——-

I then took the train and then walked about 2 blocks to Blindern, which is like the main campus of University of Oslo, to pick up my key. Keep in mind I had both my bags with me weighing almost 50lbs each and it was super hot out. Oslo is definitely not flat like North Dakota! I was literally dragging my bags up the sidewalk up a hill at turtle pace because they were so heavy and I was exhausted from the travel. I got my key and went back down this hill to the train to go to Sogn, which is the area my dorm is. There was a couple people I met at Blindern getting our key who are at Sogn as well, so we all struggled with our luggage together.

When I picked up my key, the guy had asked if I wanted to be on a high floor or lower floor or if I had any preferences and I couldn’t think of any at the moment. So he gave me my keys and said it was on the 7th floor but like it’s not really 7 complete flights of stairs. I didn’t think anything of it until I got to my building…There are no ELEVATORS!! So here I again struggle with my bags. I was literally dripping in sweat when I was done carry my bags one at a time. I then realized why he asked if I had a preference and said the 7th wasn’t as bad as it sounds. 😉

When I got to my room, non of the other “roommates or flatmates” were there so I just started unpacking my stuff a bit. (I still have all my clothes in my suitcases, I just haven’t felt like finding places for them. lol eventually it will happen) The buildings are set up so that there are 5 rooms on each floor and we share the like hallway, kitchen and bathroom. So far I only have one roommate who’s from Germany named Finn. The others have not arrived.

After a while, my roommate and his friend from Germany, I can’t remember his name, went to Ikea, the cheapest places to buy like the basic things for the rooms. There’s a free bus that runs from the Oslo Central Station to Ikea so we road the T-Bane, what they call the subway/train, to the Central Station and got on the bus, which was packed with students. I got a pillow, a blanket, a mirror, a lamp, and a couple other random things. I was so tired by the end of it that I literally was bobbing my head on the bus pack about to fall asleep.  This was like going on hour 36 with out sleep. So I got back to my room and unpacked my stuff and then realized I hadn’t ate so I walked to the grocery store at Sogn. It’s just down the block not far. I bought a frozen pizza to eat. I went to turn on the stove and realized I like had no idea how to use a European stove. I somehow figured it out, not sure if it was the correct way, but it ended up cooking. I had a couple pieces, then Skyped with my aunt, mom, and brother and then went to bed. I slept in the next day until almost 1:00pm in the afternoon.

I will end this post here, even though I have much more to write about. (:

