My Oslo Experience

Busy Busy Busy!


I’ve been trying to find myself time to get another blog post written the last couple days, but I’ve been extremely busy! It has been a lot of getting to know everyone! I’m still amazed as to how different countries are represented with all of the BI exchange students or other students study at other universities in Oslo. I have many stories I could write about but the one I’ll tell you now is about attempting to make it to Grønland, an area of Oslo known for it’s cheaper produce and being their melting pot of cultures. I was walking to the metro stop with 3 others and it was raining, not too bad, but I didn’t have an umbrella. Half way to the train stop it started hailing… I haven’t seen hail in a long time and I had never been stuck walking in a hail storm. I had flip flops on and I was soaked by the time we stopped at this shop because one of the girls I was with had to buy her metro pass. We waited for about 20 minutes and just decided to skip Grønland and just head to BI to get our student ID cards. On our way to the train stop, we hadn’t gotten their yet since we had stopped, we walked past a Burger King and they were handing out free disposable plastic rain ponchos with a big Burger King logo on the back. I think since BK has those, it’s safe to assume that it rains a lot her in Oslo. We finally got to the train station and rode the train to BI. I’m a little worried about how my student id photo will turn out, as I took it right after getting soaking wet from the storm… It’ll be an unfortunate photo because I’ve heard that every time you log into the student website your picture shows up! 

I’ll leave you with a few pictures I’ve taken the last couple days here! 

This was my first time in the grocery store. This one is called Rema 1000 and is located just a block down from me. There are 3 grocery stores within easy walking distance from my residence. 


I haven’t done too much sight seeing of Oslo yet, but this is the view from the area where the giant ski slope in Oslo is. 


This is what was called like ‘apple pie cake’ I am not sure of the actual Norwegian name for it, but it was delicious! 


Last here is a picture of the inside of my school. It’s really amazing! 


